Tag: censorship

  • FreeSocks is now open source

    Censorship on the Internet is getting worse, not better. The free flow of information is key to learning and making change. Because of this, we started FreeSocks, a service that provides free, open & uncensored Outline (Shadowsocks) proxies to people in countries experiencing a high level of Internet censorship late last year (2023). Since then,…

  • New Tor bridge types for Operation Envoy

    In July of last year (2023) we launched Operation Envoy, our effort to deliver packets to and from the Tor network which helps defeat Internet censorship. This is achieved by Unredacted operating Tor bridges, also known as Pluggable Transports. Tor bridges obfuscate (bridge) the connection a user makes when connecting to Tor so that it…

  • A year in review (2023)

    From our humble beginnings in 2015, to now (almost 2024), we’ve undergone many significant changes in the almost 9 years of our existence. We’ve established ourselves as a legitimate organization that is on a mission to fight Internet censorship, and provide various services to individuals & organizations seeking privacy and security. In 2023, a lot…

  • Introducing FreeSocks, proxies that circumvent censorship

    Easy censorship circumvention We despise censorship and human (& animal) rights abuses, and it’s time to fight back. In addition to Operation Envoy, our effort to provide stable and performant anti-censorship Tor bridges and snowflake proxies, we’re launching FreeSocks. FreeSocks is a free and open proxy service that aims provide an alternative to individuals that…

  • Operation Envoy: Defeating Censors

    Operation background Accessing the uncensored Internet in some countries has never been so difficult. Internet censorship is rising across the world, and content filtering is becoming more difficult to circumvent as technology and censors evolve. Even in countries you wouldn’t expect. However the worst offenders are the ones you would typically suspect, China, Russia and…

  • What we’re doing in response to the invasion of Ukraine



    The situation in Ukraine is unsettling, and requires the world to step in and help on every front. Whether you do your part and help with donations, use your cybersecurity skills or attending & staging protests, anything helps. In response to the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian military, we have expanded our operations on…