Crypto World is now Unredacted!



Crypto World was an organization founded in 2015 by a group of friends to advocate for privacy, cryptography and security on the internet. We had a great community and forum, although we had decided to shut it down the forum due to life events. The community unfortunately died off as well. It held several projects under its name, such as a free and open XMPP/Jabber server. While there has been many changes, and people have come and gone, it’s an ever-evolving creature.

The creature still lives, and we’re breathing new life into it. That creature is now Unredacted, evolved into its new form. Unredacted is a special project that picks up from where Crypto World left off and continues its legacy in advocacy.

We’re excited with our new name, and excited for what the future could bring. These past few years have been tough, and I think everyone can agree. It has put stress on all of us and bogged us down. Regardless, we push forward and continue working on our weaknesses and striving for our goals.

Welcome, to Unredacted!
