Unredacted Matrix Server


Public registrations are currently closed.

If you would like to get an account during the closure of public registrations, please donate $10 USD to us & contact us with the donation details & choice of username.

Unredacted hosts a public and security focused Matrix server for you to chat securely and privately on the decentralized Matrix ecosystem. Matrix offers a lot, including a vast network of homeservers consisting of many communities and is often end-to-end encrypted by default.

To accomplish secure-by-default configuration, we utilize Ansible to deploy our service with the matrix-docker-ansible-deploy Ansible playbook allowing us a great deal of configurability. The service resides on a server that utilizes full disk encryption, along with common security standards and open source software. User attachments (encrypted by default) are stored on Wasabi’s S3 storage in the Netherlands for cheap, resilient and secure storage.

Interested? Sign up at element.unredacted.org and point your Matrix client to matrix.unredacted.org. This service is in beta, so please do send us your suggestions and feedback. Also, if you like what we do, consider supporting us via donations.

P.S. be sure to join our official Matrix space: matrix.to/#/#unredactedspace:unredacted.org

Also, big thank you to FlokiNET who provides the server that runs this service. They have been a solid hosting provider over the years and are privacy friendly!



  • Nothing illegal, no exceptions
  • Don’t be a jerk in official Unredacted channels
  • Hate or terrorist groups are not allowed


  • 1 year media retention (may be lowered in the future)
  • 100MB file upload limit

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