Unredacted Proxies allow people to connect to messaging services such as Signal and Telegram, without exposing the fact to their ISP or government. Unredacted Proxies also circumvent censorship. If a specific messaging service is blocked in your country – we may be able to help.
If you generally want to circumvent all Internet censorship, use FreeSocks or Tor.
How to connect
Click on the proxy below that you would like to try.
You will go through a quick security check to verify that you are a real person.
Q: What if I have trouble connecting?
A: If you have issues connecting to an Unredacted Proxy, please contact us.
Q: Why do you offer Telegram proxies, isn’t Telegram unsafe?
A: We do not recommend Telegram for various reasons, but we understand the need to use even potentially unsafe services. If you require a higher level of security, we would recommend Signal.